Boot Inn, Weymouth

Not an official Scottie Tour today, as the train journey was a horrendous 5 hours, so the 3 hour drive was preferable. An early start was in order. A trip to the seaside without fish and chips is just not going to happen,so on the road by 08:30.

The Boot Inn is Weymouth's oldest, and apparently haunted, pub near the harbour. It can be difficult to find but it is well worth the effort. Friendly unspoilt old local, comfortably lived in with beams, bare boards, paneling, hooded stone-mullioned windows and coal fires,

Well kept Ringwood ales and guests from five brass hand-pumps, real cider and good selection of malt whiskies, no food apart from pork pies and pickled eggs.

A great turn out from the Regiment meant a wide selection of ale was sampled. Ringwood favourites of Boon Doggle and Forty Niner, as well as Wychwood's Imperial Red and Bank's excellent Sunbeam.

Well worth a visit and we are secretly hoping that Weymouth fail in their bid for promotion, so we can 'be beside the seaside' again.

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