Martyrs Inn, Tolpuddle

A Scottie Detour.

Having left Weymouth in good time following our first point of the season, the coach was in fine voice. Once the coach reached the A35, the driver opened her up on the dual carriageway to hasten this boisterous load back to Dunstable.

This is when the turbo went pop and we ended up on the hard shoulder. Players and supporters alike where slightly miffed and when it became apparent that we could be there for some time, Captain Bas took the helm.

"We're in the middle of no where and not a pub in site" was his first obvious point. Pipeman then pointed out that Scottie has a pub app on his phone. (It's actually two apps, and the trusty Good Beer Guide, both produced by CAMRA and ideal for just this kind of emergency) Scottie was already on the case and pointed out that a pub was just over the hill on the other side of the dual carriageway.

Captain Bas led his troops back down the hard shoulder and over a foot bridge, resembling recent events in Calais, and down into the village to the Martyrs Inn, in the historic Tolpuddle.

The handful of villagers in the pub were somewhat surprised to see 20-odd rowdy footballers and a few round supporters, but the management are probably still on holiday now on the proceeds of our time there.

A Hall & Woodhouse establishment meant loads of Badger beer, with Best, Tanglefoot and First Call available. This progressed to Jager-bombs and things went rapidly downhill from there.

A double decker coach pulled up at 21:00 with Malc and Pipeman (Diamond Geezers), who had stayed with the driver and the coach and we slowly boarded the magic bus back to Bedfordshire.

No matter how hard we try, that journey will never be bettered.


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