Pembroke Arms, Biggleswade

On a foul night in November, a stop off in a lovely pub is ideal, until you remember you have to go and stand in the wind and the rain for two hours to watch football. With the wind making any kind of football a lottery, maybe staying in the Pembroke Arms in front of the fire would have been a better idea.

The pub, formerly known as the Brown Bear, has recently reopened after an extensive refit. The layout is largely unchanged, with one large L shaped bar sporting six handpumps. The interior decoration is modern and airy and benefits on cold days like this one, from two open fires. Guest ales from Marston's group often feature Banks, Jennings, Ringwood, & Wychwood.

We sloshed down the Hobgoblin and a smashing stout called Lord Barker by Gun Dog Ales, before heading out into the elements. Once across the Biggleswade Town car park, which resembles the surface of the moon, we experienced a match controlled by the conditions.

A fair result on the night of a 3-3 draw, left us hoping for the opportunity of a return to Biggleswade on a Saturday, so we can try a few more pubs out in the town.

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